Models of entrepreneurship education for university students
researchers in developed countries have found a variety of entrepreneurial
education models according to each country's conditions. Based on a review of a number of literatures, various
models of entrepreneurship education were found in research-based universities.
Gibb (1993) formulated an experience-based
entrepreneurial education model. With
an experience-based learning model, an educator's job is to build on the
ability of his learners to reflect on the experiences they have gained in a
broader context and provide them with the opportunity to make interpretations
of the theories they get. Ultimately the experience will lead to actions that
reflect entrepreneurial behavior.
Entrepreneurship is a set of behaviors, skills and attitudes shown by a
person. Through entrepreneurship education, the entrepreneurial skills and
attitudes possessed by each individual are further integrated through the
process so as to form behavior. Therefore, the learning process in
entrepreneurship education must be able to encourage learners in building
entrepreneurial interests, identifying and capturing opportunities, deciding
and realizing opportunities into the form of initiative behavior.
Van Vuuren (1999) developed an entrepreneurial
education model based
on performance (entrepreneurial performance) with the formula E / P =
[aM (bE / S x cB /
S)]. The model explains that Entrepreneurial Performance is a function
of motivation, entrepreneurial skills and business skills. Furthermore, each of these constructs is interpreted as follows: 1)
Motivation is an encouragement to improve performance, especially with regard
to the motivation of achievement; 2) Entrepreneurial skills include creativity, innovation, courage to take risks and identify opportunities;
and 3) Business skills include skills in managing finances, marketing,
operations activities, human resources, law, communication, management and
skills in drawing up a business plan.
According to Linan (2004), entrepreneurial education is divided into four
types. First, entrepreneurial
education is an education that
aims to increase knowledge about entrepreneurship and influence attitudes that
will cause interest. Second, education that aims to encourage someone to
be able to set up a business (education for start-ups). This program is
aimed at people who have business ideas and need solutions to answer questions
about how to become self-employed. The third category is education for
entrepreneurial dynamism is education given to people who have run a
business but want to improve their business behavior after going through the
initial phase of business establishment. Fourth,
continuing education for entrepreneurs
describes an all-time learning
program intended for experienced entrepreneurs.
Pretorius and Ras (2007) developed an entrepreneurial education model that
can be applied in the learning process in developing countries, namely South
Africa. The model developed emphasizes not only the content of entrepreneurship
education but also the context in which the learning process is carried out by
facilitators with the approach they use. The model was developed using several
dimensions as seen in figure 4, namely: 1) The theme of entrepreneurial
success; 2) Business knowledge and skills; 3) The use of a business plan; 4)
The learning approach used includes determining the learning objectives of problem solving, discussion, simulation, evaluation,
case study, group work; and 5) Facilitators play a role in integrating some of
the above elements.
A comprehensive entrepreneurial education model was developed by The
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (2012). According to this
model (figure 5), entrepreneurship education should be able to equip learners
with business skills and entrepreneurial skills. The important thing to think
about is how to stick between business (enterprise) and entrepreneurship
(entrepreneurship) into the curriculum. Business education (enterprise
education) aims to produce graduates with the mindset and skills to come up
with new ideas in response to the needs that have been identified and the
ability of learners to apply them as an employee in the company.
Skills in running a company (enterprising skills) not only include
proposing new ideas, identifying opportunities, but also covering a wider range
of things, namely the application of emotional, intellectual, social and
technical abilities. Therefore, business education is also expected to build
skills and intuition in decision making, cooperation in teams, network
building, creative problem solving, innovative, strategic thinking skills, and
the ability to complete tasks in accordance with the target. On the other hand,
entrepreneurship is defined as the application of the specific running skills
of the company in creating and capturing opportunities to develop the
organization into a larger one. Entrepreneurship education focuses on
developing and applying thinking and enterprising skills in terms of new
business establishments, development and growth of businesses that have been
running, or compiling business organizations of a social nature.
Based on this opinion, it can be explained that both business education and
entrepreneurship education equip students and graduates to be able to develop
business awareness, entrepreneurial mindset, and overall entrepreneurial
ability into the wider field. The effectiveness of entrepreneurship can be
defined as a person's ability to have entrepreneurial and entrepreneurial
behavior. This can be done through the development and improvement of
awareness, thinking and ability that allows learners to run opportunities
effectively and achieve the desired results. Figure 5 explains the role of
learning both formally based on curriculum and learning outside the curriculum in the form of extra-curricular activities in contributing to
the development of business awareness, entrepreneurial mindset, capability and
creating overall effectiveness.
Valerio, Parton and Robb (2014) divide entrepreneurship education into 2 types, namely: entrepreneurship education and training programs (entrepreneurship
education and training) as seen in figure 6. Both have the goal of
stimulating or encouraging entrepreneurship but differ in terms of the
different objectives or exteriors of the program itself. Entrepreneurship
education programs tend to focus on building knowledge of entrepreneurship and
skills necessary for entrepreneurial purposes. Instead, entrepreneurship training
focuses on building the knowledge and skills that are exclusively necessary
in preparation for starting or operating a company.
A. (2005). Towards The Entrepreneurial University, Entrepreneurship
Education as A Lever for Change. National Council for Graduate
Entrepreneurship. Policy Paper. NCGE: Birmingham.
F. (2004). Intention-Based Models of Entrepreneurship Education. Picolla
Impresa/Small Business, 3: 11-35.
M., Nieman, G. & Van Vuuren, J. (2005). Critical Evaluation of Two Models
for Entrepreneurship Education: An Improved Model Through Integration.
International Journal of Education Management, 19(5): 413-427.
M., &, Ras, P. (2007). An Entrepreneurial Educational Model for The
Namibian Higher Education System
Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) for Higher Education. (2012). Enterprise and
Entrepreneurship Education: Guidance for UK Education Provider. ISBN 978 1
84979 692 7.
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